Why SHIB is 1 usdt value

Sou Pok Meng
2 min readMay 20, 2021

This SHIB dealer is very good at playing, so he should be optimistic about his position and not be thrown off the car. I use my free money to buy SHIB, and the dealer does not pull coins, so I always buy SHIB; and before all the zeros of SHIB disappear, I will not sell a single SHIB coin. Everyone who buys a dealer is afraid of me as a retail investor. Decentralization has this benefit. If you don’t hand over the currency, no one can do anything to you; centralized currency inflation, you have nothing.

Starting from today, I will cut down on food and clothing, drink and smoke, go to KTV, travel, or go abroad. I will save all my money to keep my SHIB position and fight with the dealer to the end. If the dealer does not pull, I will not sell for one day. I have to silently recite that SHIB is worth 1usdt every night. Financiers create value out of thin air, and retail investors such as me rely on Baotuan to create value.

Say SHIB=1 usdt silently. The dealer will keep buying if you don’t pull, and keep your position well and don’t get out of the car. In the future, I will not take a taxi. I will only take a bus. I want to save money and keep my position. I don’t buy any coins. I only buy Shiba Inu coins. I won’t get off the car without SHIB reaching 1 usdt. If I win the bet, I will also complete the mission of SHIB at the same time. There is no way to lose the bet, anyway, all coins are the same. I also want to record videos and write articles. Everyone I see says SHIB to 1 usdt. I also need to open a finance class to explain why SHIB is worth 1 usdt.

